Which Frames Are Right For Me?

Here at R Woodfall we put our customers’ comfort above all. We believe in high quality eye care services and products. This is why our range of frames are of the finest quality and all come with a one year warranty. 

All glasses-wearers know the importance of good frames. Frames quite literally frame your face, and you wear them everyday, so it’s vital that you’re happy with them. This is why we have an extensive selection of frames to suit everyone’s taste.

Complementing your face shape

Frames should complement the shape of your face. Did you know that it’s suggested that you match your frames to your face shape?

There are 7 face shapes that everyone falls into. The first step to finding your perfect lenses is identifying which face shape you have. Below we have the recommended frame shapes to complement your own face shape. Whether you have a round, square, heart, or oval shape, we have the right frames to suit you.

Round: A pair of square or rectangle frames work well on round faces. This is because the square-ness creates a nice contrast.

Square: Small and round frames are a great choice for those with square faces. Round frames balance the angular features of a square face shape, complementing it well.

Oval: If you have an oval face then a wide variety of frames suit your shape well. Larger square frames are an excellent choice, but rounder ones also work. This is due to the natural symmetry of oval faces. 

Heart: Having a heart shaped face means you’re most likely to suit oval and rounder frames. This is because the curves contrast nicely to the angular shape of a heart shaped face. 

Diamond: Cat-eye frames work exceptionally well with diamond shaped faces. This is because the angular upswept look of cat-eye frames compliments the pointy features of those with diamond faces.

Pear: Like having a heart shaped face, there’s also a wide variety of frames that suit pear shaped faces. These include: cat-eye, round, rectangle, and square frames. These frames work well with wider jaws.

Oblong: Wider and larger frames look best with an oblong face. This is because narrow frames may make your face appear longer, so opting for wide lenses is a better choice.

Match your skin tone

Your frames should be seen in a similar way to jewellery. As jewellery should compliment your features and your skin tone. Everyone has skin undertones that certain colours match better with. For example, those with warm yellow undertones often wear gold jewellery as the tones complement each other well. 

When looking for frames you should use this logic. For example, those with cool pink undertones would suit silver, grey, and blue frames. Whereas those with warm tones would match well with red, brown, and gold coloured frames. 
We stock a range of well known brands and some lesser known ones to offer a full variety of high quality frames for you. For more information about our frames, contact  our friendly team today.

Switching to Contact Lenses: a Guide 

Many people who rely on corrective lenses to see clearly wear glasses to see clearly. Glasses tend to be the more common option as they’re very practical. Wearing glasses is the simple choice, but contact lenses come with a wide range of benefits that shouldn’t be overlooked either. If you’re thinking of switching to contact lenses then this blog post is for you. 

At R Woodfall, we believe that both glasses and contact lenses are excellent options to treat common eye conditions such as myopia (near-sightedness). But for those who want the option of contact lenses as well as glasses, we’re here to guide you through making the change.

The benefits of contact lenses 

Contact lenses offer a variety of benefits that can make your life easier. Below are a few of the main advantages to wearing contact lenses and why you should consider them if you haven’t already. 

Excellent for sports 

When it comes to sports and activities, glasses definitely get in the way. The last thing you want when playing sports is to be worried about your glasses falling off and becoming damaged. But you also shouldn’t compromise on your vision by going without. This is why contact lenses are the best solution for this, as they do not get in your way, and they provide the same clarity of vision as glasses do. This makes them a fantastic alternative for those who regularly play sports.

Adopt the curvature of your eye 

Contact lenses allow for a full range of vision as they bend to the curvature of your eye. As contacts move with your eye, it allows the wearer to see naturally. Contacts do not obstruct your vision in any way or steam up like glasses do. This is very convenient for many people. 

It’s like they aren’t there

Contact lenses are an excellent alternative to wearing glasses as they are much less noticeable. This is great for those who are always busy moving and participating in sports or activities. Also, some people do not like how their face looks when wearing glasses, so contacts are a great solution to this. With contact lenses, you never have to sacrifice your vision clarity for looking the way you want to.

If you’re considering making the switch from glasses to contacts then get in touch with your local optician. They will start the process for you. If you’re in need of a professional optician in South East England, contact R Woodfall today.

The Different Kinds of Eye Care Services Explained

Here at R Woodfall, we offer a wide range of eye care services across our South East clinics. We believe taking good care of your eyes throughout your life is essential for good eye health. The best way you can look after your eyes is by visiting your local optician every couple of years. This way, professional eye care experts like ourselves can properly assess your eyes and give you the eye care you need. 

So what type of eye care services do opticians offer, and how does it benefit you? This blog post explores these questions and breaks down the different kinds of eye care you can expect to receive at an optician practice. 

Routine eye test 

A routine eye test is a basic examination that your optician will carry out to assess any changes to your vision. Think of it as a general check-up test, where your optician will ask you about your eye health and any vision problems you may be having. A routine eye exam then involves a series of eye tests to assess different aspects of your vision. These tests include testing things such as your pupil reflexes, visual fields, intraocular pressure, and more.

These tests do not hurt, and are very helpful in assessing your eye health. So it’s well worth going for a check-up to ensure your eyes are healthy. 

OCT scans 

A more advanced and detailed kind of test is called an optical coherence tomography scan (OCT) and is an excellent way for opticians to see what’s going on behind your eye. An OCT scan involves a machine taking 1000 pictures of your eye and optic nerve, and it layers these images together to create a detailed image of your eye that your optician can use to detect any abnormalities. 

Lens solutions 

If you’re someone that wears glasses or contact lenses, then you know how essential they are to everyday life. At R Woodfall, we are experts in providing lens solutions that massively improve your vision by allowing you to see clearly and sharply. Visiting your local optician means they will assess your current lenses and prescription, and adjust it if necessary. This allows you to have the best possible vision. 

Frames and eyewear 

As well as making sure your eye health and vision are the best they can be, we also offer a wide range of eyewear that allows you to look and feel your best. We have a variety of frames from different brands to choose from. We know how important it is to make sure your glasses suit your face shape, which is why we have a range of options to suit everyone.

If you’re looking for an optician located in South East London, Surrey, or Kent then contact R Woodfall today.

Your Guide to an OCT Examination

If you’ve been having some difficulty with your vision then you might be asked to have an OCT scan by your optician. An OCT scan is nothing to worry about, it’s an advanced eye examination that allows your optician to see every aspect of your eye. This means they can detect any potential problems with your eye health. 

Many eye care providers offer an OCT scan if need be, it’s an accurate and effective way of determining what problems you may have with your eyes.

How does it work?

An OCT works by taking around 1000 images of your eye, behind your eye, and your optic nerve. These images are then layered to present an incredibly detailed image of your eye. This allows your optician to detect any abnormalities that can lead to eye conditions, which can help prevent them from worsening. 

This advanced scan allows opticians a detailed look into the goings-on in your eye. If anything is detected then a tailored treatment plan will be mapped out for you by your optician. 

What does an OCT scan detect?

There’s a wide range of eye conditions and concerns that an OCT scan is able to pick up on. These include: glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. An OCT scan can even detect damage to the optic nerve too. 

This makes an OCT an incredible tool for opticians as they can see easily and clearly most optical problems with your eyes, and can then map out a treatment plan for you. 

Why you should have an OCT scan

If your optician recommends an OCT scan for you then you should have one. An OCT scan can detect any eye conditions you may have, and you can then be treated for them to improve your vision. As well as being treated for a condition you do have, an OCT scan can detect a developing condition, meaning your optician could prevent it if caught in time. 

An OCT scan is always within your best interest and is an effective way to detect eye conditions. 

If you’re worried about your eye health then visiting your local optician is the best optician for you. Your optician can identify any issues you may be having and treat them for you. If you live in these areas then why not visit one of our clinics here at R Woodfall. Our team of friendly professionals are here to help you.

How to Maintain Good Eye Health

It’s just as important to take care of your eyes like you would to the rest of your body. Your eyes are so important, they’re your way of processing information about the world around you. If you want to take better care of your eyes, but you’re not sure how, then you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we want to give you some of the best ways to maintain your eye health to help prevent the chances of visual impairments in the future.

The following is a list of ways you can help keep your eyes healthy. 

Wear your sunglasses 

Protecting your eyes from the sun is vital for maintaining good eye health. The sun emits harmful UVA and UVB rays that can damage the eye if overexposed. If you send too much time in the sun without protecting your eyes then you’re at risk of developing photokeratitis, an eye condition that results in temporary discomfort and pain.

It’s been found that long term overexposure to the sun may also increase your risk of developing serious eye conditions such as cataracts, eye cancer, and macular degeneration. This is why it’s important to protect your eyes with UV protection. 

Here at R Woodfall, we have a range of sunglasses that provide protection and comfort to your eyes in the sun. Our UV filtered lenses can combine with your usual prescription lenses, so you don’t have to keep switching between the two in the summer months. 

Visit your local optician 

The best way to keep your eyes healthy is to visit your local eye care provider. Your local optician can perform a comprehensive eye examination on you to determine the health of your eyes. These tests can also detect the early onset of a variety of eye conditions, giving your optician the chance to catch them before they worsen.

If you’re looking for a professional optician practice in and around London, we have clinics in these various locations. We’d love to help you with any eye concerns you have.

Diet & exercise 

Like the rest of your body, diet and exercise can also help improve your eye health. Eating a nutrient rich diet can really help keep your eyes healthy. It’s been found that fatty fishes that contain a lot of omega 3 are great for your eye health. Dark leafy greens such as spinach are also beneficial. 

Exercising and maintaining a healthy weight is also a great way to reduce your risk of developing vision problems. It’s important to get a bit of exercise regularly when you can to reduce the amount of intraocular pressure within your eyes that can lead to glaucoma.If you’re concerned about your eye health, feel free to contact us today.

How to care for ageing eyes

As we age we begin to notice some changes to our vision. The risk of age related eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration increase as we grow older. This is why it’s important to start caring for your eyes now to help prevent these conditions and preserve your vision as best as you can.

Below are a few recommended ideas on how to best care for your eyes as they age.

Wear Sunglasses On Sunny Days

One of the best ways to protect ageing eyes is to always wear sunglasses in the summer. On sunny days, harmful UV rays can unknowingly do a lot of damage to your eyes. Overexposure to UV rays can lead to vision problems such as cataracts. This is one of the reasons why it’s so important to keep your eyes covered and protected

At R Woodfall, we have a wide range of sunglasses for you to choose from. From lenses to the right frames for you, we can help you out with all of your eye protection needs.

Be More Physically Active

Exercise is good for your body, but did you know that it also benefits your eye health directly? Cardiovascular exercise such as running, walking, and swimming can lower the intraocular pressure in the eye. Intraocular pressure refers to the fluid pressure of the eye, which can cause problems if this pressure is too high. Cardiovascular exercise can lower this pressure and in turn, help prevent eye conditions such as glaucoma.

Quit Smoking

It’s no secret that smoking is bad for your health, but did you know it can directly affect your eyesight too? Quitting smoking is a recommended method of preventing many eye conditions, especially age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Smokers are three to four times more likely to be diagnosed with AMD, so quitting is your best option.

Visit Your Optician Regularly

At R Woodfall, we can help identify any eye conditions you may have and give you the necessary treatment. By visiting us, you can help prevent or improve any eye conditions that you may exist. We have the very best optical technology to perform eye examinations that can detect age-related eye conditions.

It’s better to detect eye conditions early rather than later, so by visiting an optician practice such as one of ours, you can ensure your eye health is in great hands.

Feel free to contact us today with any queries you may have. We’d be happy to help you with all of your eye care needs.

Age-related eye conditions explained

As we age, it’s natural to notice changes in your body; but one aspect that is often overlooked are changes to your eyes and vision. Growing older presents new challenges to overcome, and one of them is an increased risk of age-related eye conditions that could affect our vision.

At R Woodfall, we’re here to share our knowledge with you on these age-related eye conditions, and offer our expert advice on the matter. 

Below are a few of the most common age-related eye conditions and their explanations.


Glaucoma is an eye condition that involves damage to the optic nerve. It’s usually caused by a buildup of fluid in the eye. Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease, which means that it will only get worse without treatment as time goes on.

This is why it’s very important to visit your optician as we have the technology to detect the early onset of these eye conditions.

The symptoms of glaucoma include:

  • Eye pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Tenderness around the eye
  • Headaches
  • A red eye

Macular Degeneration

Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is another progressive eye condition that affects a person’s vision. When someone has AMD, their central vision (not peripheral vision) becomes blurred, meaning it becomes difficult to see clearly.

AMD is when ageing causes damage to the macular. The macular is the part of your eye responsible for your sharp vision, and it forms part of the retina. AMD is commonly caused by abnormalities in blood vessels that then cause fluid leaks in the macular.

Age-related macular degeneration usually first affects individuals in their 50s and 60s. At this age it is significantly important to visit an eye care expert so they can detect any early warning signs.


Cataracts are another age-related common eye condition that requires treatment. This eye condition occurs when the lens in the eye develops cloudy patches. Over the passing of time, these cloudy areas can become larger and larger, resulting in cloudy/blurred vision and eventually vision loss.

Luckily the treatment for cataracts is straightforward and quick, meaning it may not cause you many issues if you choose to have surgery.

Cataracts are a very common age-related condition, the majority of people will experience having cataracts once they reach a certain eldery age.

What Can I Do?

In order to best prevent these eye conditions, you should visit your local eye care specialists. When you visit an optician, they can perform eye examinations on you to search for any signs of an eye condition. If an eye condition is detected then you can receive help immediately to prevent them from getting worse.

It’s worth visiting your opticians. If you have any questions or would like to visit one of our practices then do not hesitate to contact us today.

How often should you visit your optician?

Your eye health should be treated like any other part of your body. It is recommended to visit your dentist every 6 months, and the doctors every 3 years at least for a check-up, but many people neglect a vital part of their health; their eyes.

Often we find ourselves taking our vision for granted, it’s easy to do and even easier to fix! Practising regular eye care and visiting your optician is the best way to improve your eye health now, and later on in life. Below are the recommended amount of times a year you should visit your optician (based on age), and why it’s so vital for your health as a whole.

Recommended visits

According to the NHS, it’s recommended that you visit your optician for an eye test every 2 years. For those with, or those with direct relatives with glaucoma and diabetes, it’s recommended that you see your optician once a year. If you’ve been told by a medical professional to see your optician more than these recommended times then follow their advice as instructed.

It’s important to receive eye tests even if you don’t feel as though you need one as many eye conditions go undetected before they’re discovered through symptoms. Just like it’s important to visit your dentist and doctor, it’s essential that you visit your eye care provider too.

Below are a few of the reasons why eye tests are crucial in maintaining good eye health.

Why It’s Necessary to Visit Your Optician

There are many reasons as to why you should visit your opticians, but here are a few common and important ones that we’ve listed for you below:

Prevention of eye conditions: A very important reason why you should see your eye doctor more often is that they can detect eye conditions before you can. This is important as you may be able to get treatment and prevent the onset of an eye condition before it starts to impact you.

An eye examination examines every area of your eye, meaning your optician will be able to see if there are any abnormalities. Like all illnesses, getting treatment early on gives you the best chance of treating an ailment.

You may benefit from lenses: A lot of people who may need contact lenses or glasses go without them for a while as they don’t think there is anything wrong with their eyesight.

An example of this being people with refractive errors such as myopia (short-sightedness). These people may benefit greatly from glasses to correct their vision, but may put off going to their optician. If you have myopia or something similar and have not yet been diagnosed, a visit to your optician can solve this issue for you and get you the eye care you need.

You may need a lens upgrade: Many glasses-wearers may have prescription lenses that have expired. If this is the case for you then booking in with an optician for a lens upgrade is the best thing to do. Your eye doctor can check for vision changes and then adjust your prescription accordingly.

If you have any eye concerns, or questions then don’t hesitate to contact us today.


Developing cataracts can be a scary time in your life. You may be worried about blindness, the surgery involved, and how to make a good recovery. But, cataracts are a very common eye condition that is easily treatable and taken care of.

So there’s no need to worry, as long as you visit your Optician/GP, they will assist you or your family member receive the necessary treatment.

What is a Cataract?

The term cataract is familiar to many, but what exactly is a cataract and how does it affect your vision? A cataract is simply clouding of the tissue in your eye’s lens. This means that when a cataract forms, your vision will become more and more clouded over time, and in turn, if left untreated, could lead to blindness. However, the good news is that it’s common and readily treatable.

Cataracts are particularly common in people over the age of 60, as it is in general, an age-related eye condition. If you or a family member develop a cataract, it’s important to get the necessary eye treatment.

Early Signs of Cataracts

Here are some of the early signs that you may be developing a cataract. If you experience the following symptoms then contact your doctor or us at R Woodfall today, as we can assist you in all your eye care needs.

  • Yellowing or fading of colours
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Clouded or blurred vision
  • Difficulty seeing at night
  • Seeing halos around light
  • Double vision in one eye

The Surgery Process

If you or your family member does develop cataracts, then surgery is highly recommended, but it is ultimately your (or their) choice. Here’s what to expect if you do choose to have cataract removal surgery.

The surgery lasts for about 30 minutes or so and is painless. You will be given local anaesthesia so you won’t feel any pain, and you’ll be able to go home the same day.

The surgery itself involves the surgeon removing your lens and replacing it with an implant. This is a very common procedure and is very likely to highly improve your eyesight.

It takes about 6-12 weeks to recover fully from cataract surgery.

The Risks and Benefits

Even though cataract surgery is very common, there are also some risks that come with it. These risks include: blurred vision, vision loss, detached retina. These risks can be managed with further treatment, and the chances of one of them happening are about 1 in 50.

Some of the benefits of having your cataracts removed are: being able to see things in focus, being able to tell the difference between colours, and being able to see without glares and halos impacting your vision.

If you think you have cataracts or another age-related eye condition, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team.

The Sun And Your Eyes

The Sun And Your Eyes

We are all well aware of the risks of overexposure to sunlight and the damage this can cause our skin. However, many people are not so aware of the damage the sun can cause to our eyes. As spring and summer approaches, here we have helped to explain the importance of sun protection for your eyes. 

Harmful UV rays 

There are two types of UV rays you should be aware of: 

UVA – This type of UV rays can cause damage to your central vision. 

UVB – The Cornea and Lens, at the front part of your eye are likely to be damaged by UVB rays as they will absorb these most. 

When overexposed to sunlight, your eyes will absorb these UV rays which may increase your risk of experiencing common eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. 

How to Protect your vision from UV Rays 

There are several ways you can ensure your vision and eye health is protected against these harmful UV rays. When outdoors, you should wear protected lenses, this could include photochromic lenses, polarised lenses or sunglasses. When purchasing a lens solution, you should always look for a lens that offers 100% protection against both types of UV rays, UVA and UVB.

Combining UV protection with your lens prescription

If you already wear eyeglasses to correct a refractive error, this doesn’t mean you can not upgrade your lens solution to combine this with additional UV protection. At RWoodfall we carry a wide selection of sunglasses, including designer brands, which we can personalise to support your individual prescription. You may be interested in switching to a photochromic lens for a hassle free solution. These lenses are light sensitive and will darken in sunlight to offer additional protection. When indoors these lenses will be completely clear. Offering a comfortable, fast-reacting and hassle free lens solution for eye protection. 

Other ways to protect your eyes in the sun

As well as wearing a protective lens, there are a few other ways you can protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays emitted by the sun: 

  • Wear a wide brimmed hat to keep your eyes protected from bright light and glare on a sunny day. 

  • Avoid looking directly into the sun at any time. 

  • Be aware of the dangers of UV rays for your eyes and remember these can be harmful at any time of the year. Not just on bright, sunny days! 

Managing Myopia

Managing Myopia


Do you or children in your family struggle to see things that are in the distance clearly?

Perhaps you are not able to read car number plates or road signs easily, but you can still see close up objects really clearly. If so, then visit our opticians for a full eye examination as it is likely that you have a condition referred to as myopia, or short sightedness.  

Myopia Epidemic

Short-sightedness or myopia is a very common eye condition. It is normally due to the eye length being too long and therefore light cannot focus on the retina, causing blurriness in the distance.

A landmark 2015 study by the Brien Holden Institute in Australia published that by the year 2050, half of the global population will be myopic, and it is estimated that around one billion people will be highly myopic (over -5.00). The implications of this, is that the exponential increase in risk of pathology leading to serious eye conditions and even blindness is a global concern, which we are finally able to have an impact on by slowing the progression of myopia in children.

Options available to slow the progression of myopia

It is important to have regular eye examinations, every two years is normally recommended, unless your optician suggests otherwise, to ensure that your eyes are healthy and your glasses remain the correct strength. This is because over time your vision may continue to change. 

Across all of our practices, we offer Essilor Stellest spectacle lenses and Coopervision MiSight contact lenses as a treatment to slow down the progression of myopia in children.

Essilor Stellest spectacle lenses are a unique aesthetic design to ‘defocus’ light in front of the back of the eye, without affecting the quality of vision.

MiSight daily disposable contact lenses work in a very similar way, they are comfortable and convenient, and we also recommend they can be used in conjunction with Essilor Stellest spectacle lenses where glasses cannot be worn all of the the time due to activities such as sports.

Book an Appointment with R Woodfall 

For an appointment at one of our practices with a member of our expert team of highly qualified eye care professionals, do not hesitate to get in touch. We can talk you through a diagnosis of myopia and offer you a solution to help manage myopia and slow its progression. 

Healthy Eyes for Life

Healthy Eyes for Life

Your eyes are with you for life, so keeping these healthy throughout should be top priority. Many of us take our good eye health for granted, but would experience huge life changes if this was to be impacted in any way. In the UK we are very fortunate to have access to some of the very best eye health care, meaning, as a patient, you can receive regular, in-depth eye examinations and access to a range of treatments and solutions to ensure you have healthy eyes. On top of this, there are many lifestyle changes you can make to ensure you are protecting your eye health for life.

Keeping fit and healthy

Eating healthy and doing regular exercise isn’t just great for your body, your eyes will benefit too! Ensuring you eat plenty of leafy greens and lots of fruit will provide your eyes with the necessary nutrients to keep them healthy. Avoiding bad habits like smoking is also important when maintaining a healthy lifestyle for your eye health. Smoking can negatively impact your eyes and can also put you at a greater risk for common eye conditions such as cataracts. 

Visit your optician regularly

Making regular trips to your optician will ensure early signs of common eye conditions do not go undetected. Eye exams, including OCT scans will take an in-depth assessment of your eye health to ensure your eyes are healthy and your prescription is up to date. The NHS recommends making an appointment for an eye examination every 2 years. However, if you have a concern or have been advised by your optometrist to make these visits more often, this could be once a year.