How Does Blue Light Affect Our Eyesight? | R.Woodfall Opticians

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How Does Blue Light Affect Our Eyesight?

How Does Blue Light Affect Our Eyesight?

Technology allows us to stay connected with one another. There’s no doubt that the convenience technology provides us has made our daily lives a whole lot easier. However, it’s been found that dedicating too much time to our electronics can have ill health effects. 

You may have heard of the dangers technology poses to our wellbeing. But have you ever wondered exactly why digital screens may be bad for us? The blue light emitted from our much loved screens is debated to have negative health effects, particularly surrounding eyesight. More research is needed to support these claims long term, but it’s still good to be in the know. 

Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know:

What is Blue Light?

Blue light is found in the LED lights in smartphones, tablets, and computers. Similar to UV rays, blue light is short, powerful, high energy waves. We’re exposed to a large amount of blue rays everyday. Unlike other kinds of rays, our eyes do not block out blue light, meaning most of it goes straight onto our retinas. 

Does Blue Light Cause Eye Strain?

It’s said that spending too long staring at LED screens can lead to digital eyestrain. Digital eye strain is the term for vision problems due to excessive amounts of screen time. Commonly known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), this condition can cause an array of uncomfortable symptoms. Here’s what to look out for:

  • Dry eyes
  • Headaches 
  • Eye redness
  • Blurred vision
  • Eye discomfort 

Luckily, these symptoms usually go away after limiting screen time. If you have underlying eye conditions then these symptoms may worsen, so it’s important to regularly visit your optician. 

Is Blue Light Bad For Our Health?

It can cause CVS, but it’s also said to have a more severe impact. Macular degeneration is an eye condition that occurs in older people (50+). It affects your central vision, causing blurriness and reduced eyesight. 

It’s caused by the thinning of the macular, a part of the retina. It goes straight to the back of the eye, onto the retina, and is associated with the thinning of the macular, causing macular degeneration.

Ways To Limit Blue Light

If you have CVS or just want to limit your time spent on digital devices, we’ve put together a list of things you can do. 

  • Adjust your screen’s brightness. This is a common cause for eyestrain and headaches that is a simple fix. 
  • Invest in some blue light glasses. A quick solution to stop the potential damage to your eyes is to wear a protective lens. 
  • Take breaks from your screen. 

As always, the best way to care for your eyes is visiting your optician. Book in for a routine appointment with us at R Woodfall today.

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